Life Coaching Explained

What is a Life Coach?

A life coach is a wellness professional who helps people make progress in their lives in order to achieve greater fulfillment. Life coaches aid their clients in improving their relationships, careers, and day-to-day lives.

What Does a Life Coach Do?

Life coaches can help you clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle.

By creating these strategies, life coaches target your unique skills and gifts. By helping you to make the most of your strengths, life coaches provide the support you need to achieve long-lasting change.

Who Should Consider Working with a Life Coach?

Many people seek out life coaches for guidance in navigating a significant life change, such as taking on a new career. In plenty of cases, however, people turn to life coaches simply for help in building a happier, more meaningful life.

There are a number of indications that working with a life coach could be helpful for you. These signs include:

  • Frequent irritability
  • High levels of stress and/or anxiety
  • Inability to break bad habits
  • Lack of fulfillment in your social life
  • Persistent feeling of dissatisfaction at work
  • Sense of blocked creativity

Difference between a Life Coach and a Therapist

Although there may be some overlap in the benefits of working with a life coach and participating in psychotherapy with a licensed therapist, these professionals have distinct roles and serve unique purposes.

Therapy focuses on mental health and emotional healing, while life coaching focuses on setting goals and achieving goals.

What life coaching is not…

Life coaching is not about giving advice, telling the client what to do, shaming them, judging them, or forcing them into a decision or making them follow a predetermined course of action. Coaching is never punitive or directive.

 It’s not about cult of personality or following some guru’s guide for living. Life coaching is not a quick fix or a band aid – it takes time to see results from a course of action. It’s also not a friendship or mentorship.

Is a life coach right for me?

Do you lack vision? If you aren’t clear about exactly what you want to achieve your success will be limited and you may be left feeling overwhelmedin what you want to achieve. Hiring a life coach can help you find you vision and really narrow it down so you can so that you can see exactly what you want to achieve.

Achieving your goals-

Everyone has goals but sometimes it can feel like a huge battle to achieve them. You might know where you want to be, but working out how to get there can be a huge struggle.

Whether you’re lacking time, struggling with commitment or just don’t know how to go about achieving your goals, hiring a life coach can help. Your life coach can help you put together a step-by-step action plan.

Finding your purpose-

Everyone needs a purpose in life. No matter how successful you are, you need to know that your life has purpose and that you’re doing what you are for a reason.

If you feel that your success isn’t enough, a life coach might be exactly what you need.

They’ll listen to your ideas and help you find purpose in your life. They will be fully invested in you and your future, so they’re the perfect person to sound ideas off and talk things through with, without any fear judgement.

Navigating through life-

Sometimes it can feel challenging to navigate your way through life, especially when you come to transition points. This could include a career change or a relationship breakdown. The stress and anxiety that these major life events can bring can leave you feeling lost and uncertain about your future.

A life coach can provide an impartial sounding board, allowing you to process what you’re going through and move forward in the most appropriate way.